Hallo UserInnen,
gibt's jemanden unter Ihnen, der oder die in der Lage ist, mal wacker die unten stehenden Zeilen für uns alle ins Deutsche zu übersetzen? Ich persönlich musste mich zwar Jahre lang mit dem Englischen abmühen, aber geklappt hat's nie so richtig...
Dank' vorab & Grüße vom sonnigen Rheingau!
Thomas Beßen
Dear colleague, would you be so kind to forward this message also to other interested colleagues and institutes.
If you no longer wish to receive our [news] messages, please let us know and we will unsubscribe you from our e-mail list.
If you are already registered, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this message might have caused and regard this message as not have been sent at all.6th European Conference of Acendio
"Nursing Communication in Multidisciplinary Practice"
"Pflegerische Kommunikation und multidisziplinäre Praxis"
"Communication infirmière et pratique multidisciplinaire"
19 - 21 April 2007 Congress Centre "De Meervaart" Amsterdam The Netherlands
The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous translation in German and Dutch will be provided for all plenary sessions in the main hall.
The conference fee for the three days conference includes admission to tutorials, presentations, conference materials, certificate of attendance, conference program, conference proceedings, welcome reception, lunches, teas and coffees, and includes also a two years membership of ACENDIO till the next conference in 2009.
This means that all participants will also be able to attend and vote at the general assembly of ACENDIO on Friday 20 April. The conference fee does not include travel, accommodation and conference dinner.
If you wish to book accommodation or attend a social program, please contact www.amsterdamtourist.nl <http://www.amsterdamtourist.nl>, www.visitamsterdam.nl <http://www.visitamsterdam.nl>, or www.hotels.nl <http://www.hotels.nl> and for the conference dinner <http://www.oudconsultancy.nl/acendioadam/amsterdam/acendiospecialco.html> you will have to book and pay separately.
If you are booking a group of 10 or more participants to attend the conference, each participant receives a 10% discount of the conference fee only. To be eligible for this discount, all applications must be sent together in one batch, and the total of all fees must be paid together in one amount.
Please send (fax to + 31 20 409 0550) your completed registration form and indication of your payment to:
ACENDIO Conference Management c/o Oud Consultancy & Conference Management Hakfort 621 1102 LA Amsterdam The Netherlands
Registration forms received after 10 April 2007 will not be processed any more. However, you may register in person on the first day of the conference at the registration desk.
Please note that confirmation of registration takes place only after receipt of the conference fees. All applicants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail or mail of their registration form. However, confirmation of the official registration will thus only take place after having received the full payment of the conference fees.
Download Registration Form here: Acendio-Registration-2007.pdf (90.03 K) <http://www.oudconsultancy.nl/acendioadam/Resources/Acendio-Registration-2007.pdf>
Please, send your registration to:
ACENDIO Conference Management Hakfort 621 1102 LA Amsterdam The Netherlands Fax: ++ 31 (0)20 409 0550
Or click here to fill out and print the form. <http://www.oudconsultancy.nl/acendioadam/amsterdam/acendio-conferen.html>
Fort further information: